Thursday, May 5, 2011
Happy Birthday Daddy (:
oh.. how I wish yew were still physically here so that I could wish yew personally and get a "Thank You" back.
I miss things in the past that I can't relive.
I regret things that I wish I would have done or at least taken the opportunity to try.
Yet, no matter what happened, people I, take things for granted.
Monday, December 27, 2010
"Things are just things - they have no power to hurt or to heal. Only people can do that. And we can all choose whether to be hurt or healed by the people who love us."
What a dream last night..
funny yet it left me with a beam in my heart. :D
told baby before I went back to sleep (hoping I could see the ending)
guess not ):
We've been through days when we are fat, tonned, slim, plump, chubby..
i'd never stop being your nom nom partner (:
try to create that image of being my future santa claus husband again LAH.
I'm not afraid of that future, I'm only afraid of not having you in my future
~True love never dies, it only continues to grow (: ~
Friday, December 24, 2010

Im gonna use this the next time. :p
I'll win for sure.
(credits to Abigail Law
Thursday, December 23, 2010
"Whatever u have, b grateful 4 it! Even if u have nothing, be grateful u're alive! Believe in urself. Nobody is stopping u. Have a goal. Survive!"
-Mike Powel
Gifts are not supposed to be expensive,
they are supposed to represent whats in your heart (:
So baby, get something that means something OKAY ?
i think Crabtree & Evelyn is enough. I'm loving it loads.
As much as my pillow, necklace, duckie, Cupido, Big Bear, little pooh, piglet, long gone braclet, etc.
PLEASE DO NOT SPEND for we shall enjoy ourselves in SG <3
LISTEN TO ME!!! :/ Later i get angry OH!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
As much as I love you baby, please don't buy anything expensive (:
I really mean it okay!!
I predict the stuff you're gonna buy,
whether you're gonna buy it or not, DON'T ! :D
i love you & i just want an awesome time for us. NOTHING MORE :D
okays. (: 24th baby~ <3
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I kept wondering why I love christmas so much.
I mean, there was a time I used to dislike Christmas cause it never turned out right for me.
But now, I'm loving it every time its close by or just a month before the day itself.

Is it because it resembles stars?
And my friends know how much I LOVE stars.

or maybe because of the presents?
But everytime I look at the tree,
I get this super warm feeling.
YEAH, i know not many people may feel it,
maybe they are going through a rough time,
but I just wish that all of you can enjoy it as much as me :D
thus, that is why, presents exists XD
we share joy, laugher and love through it.
Thats why they say, its the thought that counts.
& with the presents, I hope I can share my love towards this occassion to you all :D
and even a warm greeting would mean so much, right? :D

I guess its just all the love I'm getting from everyone
and especially this one special person every year (:
love you all <3
Friday, December 17, 2010
meanwhile, do enjoy this guy's awesome voice :D
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Do that exactly before 2pm tomorrow (Friday 17/12/2010). OKAY?
I'll even pay you?
= =
baby is so cute (:
our fb convo :
Baby: Lou pohh...
Lou pohhhhhh..... Lou pohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
Me: Yes?
Baby: Lu manyak hokk (kamu byk hot)
Me: Hahahahahaha!!
Baby: =D
Me: Babbbyyyyyyyy!
Baby: Yes?
Me: :3 tupik
Baby: Wahlaoooo =(
Conversations with love :P
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Because of this, I'm gonna watch GLEE after my last paper :D
ICT is so boring I CAN SLEEP.
can I haz a brek now? :/
fudd ICT!
someone help me cheat or take the exam :B
thankgooodneess tonight I may have a little relax time.
after FRIDAY it is OVER XD
see how boring this sub is until I AM TOO FREE TO BLOG
): FML. seriously.
*no one else but me and you....
nothing I would rather do...
but hold you all through the night
kiss under the mistletoe....
keep the music nice & low..
I wish that santa could be here to seeeeeee...*
-NSYNC - Under my tree~
this was the song that was playing in my head before I sleep
& the moment I woke up this morning = ="
seriously can't wait :D
& i've received my first PRESSIE~ ZOMG. i love xmas